Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Delicious Casserole
  • Organic Material - 1/2 lbs.
  • Boiled Starch - 3 cups
  • Sauce - 3 cups
  • Squeezie-Cheez - 8 oz.
  • Hydrocarbons - to taste
Boil starch in boiling water until boiled. In a medium-sized unwashed bowl, combine organic material, boiled starch, hydrocarbons and sauce - stir indefinitely. Pour organic mixture into greasy casserole dish until overflowing. Top with Squeezie-Cheez and extra hydrocarbons. Bake casserole in a preheated 500°F oven for several hours until burnt. Serve and enjoy. Regurgitate, re-serve and re-enjoy.

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